Saturday, September 12, 2009

Antelope Run

Silvery city, with the new city shine
Streets laced with aspen
New houses abound
No antelope here, downtown Antelope Run
Boutiques and cafes
All the newest of new
Once Antelope Run was only a plan
An idea for building on difficult land
Too rocky for growing much other than grass
A commutable distance, and easy to sell
Half acre ranchettes, with golfing nearby.

Now there’s Starbucks and Peets
Only two blocks apart
With tables outside, and bicycles parked.
Velcro clad riders drink extravagant drinks
Frappachino’s and lattes, Espresso drinks, too

They’ve escaped from the city,
They’ve followed a dream
Country living this is, with the chicest of chic
Mothers with children all carefully strapped
In strollers for jogging, now how cool is that!

Antelope Run isn’t sure what it is –
No one has grown up here, the schools are new,
No swings in the playgrounds – they simply aren’t safe
Antelope Run is a city untested
A sugar confection, as yet undigested.

1 comment:

  1. Kay, is this in New Mexico? I was really drawn into this piece. You did a wonderful job of creating an atmosphere of least that was my take on it. As usual, an interesting piece of writing.
